News & Events
LCARS is a non-profit organization that provides public service communications to local communities and activities at no cost. They provide free training classes for individuals seeking to obtain a ham radio license, and serve as mentors for new amateur radio operators. Members are available to speak to local service clubs and other organizations.
The Lake Country Amateur Radio Service (LCARS) recently donated an ARRL Library Book Set to the R.T. Arnold Public Library in South Hill, VA. This popular collection of books provides a starting point for individuals looking for more information about the Ham Radio hobby, or resources to answer specific questions they may have.
Other planned LCARS activities include:
Tech Class 4/26&27 review andTest on the 4/ 28/24
Please call Dave KX4YH for all the info needed for class. 4342928952
ARRL Field Day 2025 will be held at The Chase City Fire Training Grounds off of Jonbil Rd in Chase City. If you are new to Ham Radio, Field Day is always held the last Full weekend in June. This year it is the 28&29. To plan successfully, please respond to this email.
If you plan on attending, please include the number of people in your party.
If you plan on camping, please provide that info.
If you plan on operating , what frequency?
There are only two meetings before Field Day and only June is a business meeting.
We look forward to another successful year and hope you will attend.
The Jamboree-on-the-Air, or JOTA, is an annual Scouting event that uses amateur radio to link Scouts around the world and the nation. Scouts of any age can participate, from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts and Venturers. This year JOTA will be held in October and the Lake Country Amateur Radio Service is currently planning to work with local Scouts in the Lake Country area.
Jamboree-on-the-Air is held the third weekend in October. The official hours are from Saturday at 00:00 hours local time (right at midnight Friday) to Sunday 24:00 (midnight Sunday evening). During this time, participants have the entire weekend to make JOTA contacts. A “JOTA Jump Start” runs on Friday from 18:00 to 23:59 local time to test the various station setups.
Boy Scouts seeking the Radio Merit Badge will find JOTA is a beneficial asset for completing
the merit badge requirements. The Radio Merit Badge Resources web page provides various information links and downloads for conducting Radio merit badge classes in conjunction with JOTA efforts. It also provides links to amateur radio license course materials, should you elect to conduct license exam preparation classes as well.
Some other websites to visit for more JOTA information are:
Guidelines for Amateur Radio Operators
JOTA - JOTI official world Scouting website
ARRL Jamboree on the Air
Hams not directly involved with scouts during JOTA can still participate by making QSOs with the many JOTA stations that will be on the air.