About Us


If you are new to Amateur (Ham) Radio, we invite you to join us for a meeting and meet some of our members. If you are not a Ham Radio operator, but have an interest in communications (such as CB, FRS/GMRS, Short Wave Listening, etc.), public service, or you would like to learn or experience something new, then LCARS is for you. Our members have many years of experience and are willing to share their talents and knowledge gained from their past experiences. If you would like to get your Amateur License, we would be more than happy to help you get started.

LCARS is an American Radio Relay League affiliated club. Click on the ARRL button to learn more

Our Philosophy

The Lake Country Amateur Radio Service (LCARS) consists of interested amateur radio (Ham Radio) operators from the Virginia and North Carolina counties that surround Kerr Lake and Lake Gaston. Our members have a variety of interests and backgrounds, bringing rich and varied experiences to the club membership. Our goal is to increase ham radio awareness and activity in the Lake Country area by: Promoting Amateur Radio, Providing Training Classes and Testing Sessions, Mentoring New Ham Radio Operators by Experienced Elmers, Experimenting With Radios, Antennas, Computers and Software Packages, Providing Free Public Service Communications Support For: Special events in our local communities, Local and regional emergencies and SKYWARN storm spotting during severe weather.

Our History

LCARS was formed in 2005 by a small group of Hams, who wanted to help others learn and utilize Amateur Radio for public service. Since its inception LCARS and its members, with support from the community and local busnisess,  have trained and assisted many Amateurs in obtaining their license. Many of those Hams have gone on to help others as a way of giving back to their community, and in doing so have strengthend our hobby. LCARS was incorporated as a 501.3c non-porofit organization in May 2006.