Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find and participate with LCARS?

Lake Country Amateur Radio Service has many different participation options. There is a breakfast meeting that is held every second Saturday at Wilson's BBQ in South Hill, 1224 W Danville St, South Hill, VA 23970 at 9am. Feel free to join us for fellowship, food and radio talk. Additionally, please join us every Monday and Thursday night on the KB2AHZ repeater for our weekly amateur radio nets. Monday Night at 8:30pm is the LCARS Net, and Thursday Night at 8pm is the Thursday Night Trader Tech and Ragchew net. More information can be found at the News & Events page or our Facebook group. 

How do I get my amateur license?

Well, that's easy!  Start with this basic no nonsense study guide, then ask any other ham for help, and before you even know what happened you will be giving your callsign on the radio and telling everyone how easy it was. At that point you will have been bitten by the ham bug and you will need this for your next step.

What will the amateur license test cost?

The cost to take the test is currently $14.00 which is set by the nations FCC approved volunteer examiners.  A study guide can be found for around $20 but all the free materials in the internet and at the librarys make that an easy cost to avoid. ( save your money for a radio : )   ). If you pass the Technician test you can take the General test, at that same testing session only, for no additional cost